I know I cannot go back in time, but if I could the one thing I wish I could do over is be a better Mom. I pushed too hard to try and make my children into the people I wanted them to be, instead of letting them be who they were.
I think that’s one of the reasons grandparents spoil their grandchildren so much. As we get older, we learn the things we once thought were important, aren’t. The job that we spent hours at, we would still do, but we wouldn’t think of how tired we were at the end of the day and pay more attention when our child wanted to talk to us. We would stop stressing and fighting and learn to relax more and just enjoy the moment. Because we know these moments are fleeting and will be gone in the blink of an eye.
Yes, if I could do it over, I would. I would wake up each day, so grateful to hear the pitter-patter of their little feet running into my room. I would hug them more and love them more. I wouldn’t let a day go by without telling them how much I love them.
But that time is gone, and I can never get it back. I have learned to forgive myself, knowing I did the best I could at the time, and I hope one day my children will understand. I’ve learned my lesson of how precious time is. I cannot redo the past, but each day I am given another day to do better than the day before.
Hopefully, you will learn these lessons long before I did.